Sebago Brewing Company’s 5th Annual Barleywine Emerges After Fourteen Months in the Barrel

Gorham, Maine – December 9, 2014– Sebago Brewing Company has released their 5th annual Barleywine, just in time for holiday libations. This beer is a blend of Old World influence and modern day ingredients and technique. Barleywine was barrel-aged in charred oak bourbon barrels for fourteen months, producing a rich, full-bodied ale with an unfiltered dark ruby color and very intense aromatics.
“This is always one of our most highly anticipated beers, both in the brewery and at our brewpubs. We’ve put a lot of love into this beer over the last fourteen months and are pretty proud of the result,” says Tom Abercrombie, Sebago Brewing Company Brewmaster.
Barleywine is Sebago’s highest rated beer, according to both and, scoring a 97 and 94 respectively, so anticipation of the 5th batch has been very high.
“This beer is beyond impressive. Zero hype, reasonable price, and a shelf beer. I honestly think it can go head to head against the titans of barrel aged barley-wines.” – via
“Overall, an awesome barrel aged barleywine and by far the best beer I’ve ever had from Sebago. Possibly the best version of an American style barleywine I’ve had that was barrel aged.” -via
Sebago’s Barleywine is available on draft throughout New England and in limited release 22oz bottles.
Barleywine Barrel Aged Ale Fact Sheet
Style: American Barleywine
History: First Brewed in 2008
ABV: 11.1 %
Aroma: Bourbon and Vanilla
Apprearance: Dark Amber with an off-white head
Pairing Suggestions: English Stilton, Rich & Festive Meals like Roast Turkey and Lamb